
Come on and join us!

The "Tiroler MuseumsBahnen" are acquiring their funds for the operation of the museum mostly from membership fees, donations, entrance fees and of course by many labour hours on voluntary basis.

If you like our museum and our contribution to the conservation of the Tyrolian railway history – then why not join our association as a new member!

The membership comes without any further obligations (besides paying the membership fee, of course). At any time, you can support us by volunteering for our tasks. We will be happy to welcome every motivated new team member.

As a member of the Tiroler Museumsbahnen, you’ll entitled to some fringe benefits:

The regular membership fee is only EUR 40,00 p.a. both for active and for supporting members. Pupils, students (until 24 years of age) and relatives of full members enjoy a reduced fee of EUR 20,00 p.a.

Bank account:
Tiroler MuseumsBahnen
Hypo Tirol Bank AG,
IBAN: AT50 5700 0002 0012 3505

The membership application form can be downloaded from here. Please send the completed and signed form via e-mail to